So I woke Faith up at 7, by phone..
Val: Faith, 7 o'clock already, wake up!
Faith: ..Huh, so fast..? Okayokay.. byebye..
Val: Err okay bye!
*worries that she'll go back to sleep
Met her at 7.50am at Mama shop, went for Adam Khoo's workshop and escaped at 1plus, and headed to Lot1 for lunch, haha! Went off at around 330pm :)
During Adam Khoo's Workshop..
Drew out some kuku thing. Haha!
Val so serious! Muahaha.
Went to Westmall after that, and walked to ballet. After that, walked home. Man I'm obsessed with walking, nuts for goodness sake. Haha! Okay, I'ma go bathe, love!
PS: Back on track.