(Don't laugh at my hair lah!)
Here it is. Cute huh. I look even younger now, great. Haha.
Oh well, better than nothing huh.
Hair will grow!
Okay, so today, I went to Far East with mummy.
And I got something which I doubt I'll wear but it looks cute,
so I bought it anyway, haha!
I think I'm so weird nowadays.
Went for ballet, and then went to Faith's.
Slacked awhile and went off at 10,
and here I am!
Bye people! :)
Okay, hi people!
I'm going to go out soon, with Mum and Ver.
We're going to Far East, 'Cause mummy wanna cut her hair,
I think. And I need to go shopping, yeah-ha.
Yesterday was damn tiring,
I had choir from 9am-5pm, and ballet from 6pm-7.30pm.
I think I'm super contradicting, for example:
Val: I don't wanna grow fat! *Stuffs the 7th nugget into mouth*.
I really need to diet luh :(
(and then the next moment you'll see me like a hungry ghost)
Hahaha, okay enough of crap, I need to bathe so tatafornow!
I think this is taken by VANESSA, hor?!
Nevermind, I got sher's unglam pics too,
thanks Vanessa! HAHA!