I'ma do a quiz to distract myself from thinking that
disgusting creatures will appear out of nowhere.
1.Three days from now, will you be seeing your ex?
- Yes, in school? Stupid question, next! haha.
2. What color are your eyes?
- black.
3. What does your second text say?
- my phone's dead, for no reason. haha.
4. How do you think your latest ex feels about you?
- That I'm some crazy girl who shouts at her chinese teacher? LOL.
5. Do you like what you see in the mirror?
- No. it needs to be skinnier
6. What are you listening to right now?
- To the washing mashine. Wish-wash-wish-wash.
7. Who do you like?
- I like my friends.
8. What are your plans for the weekend?
- The weekends are just over.
9. What makes you laugh?
- Everything.
10. Hows your room looking?
- Terrible.
11. Get asked anything ridiculous lately?
- Yes. LOL.
12. What are you wearing right now?
- T-shirt, shorts.
13. What were you most looking forward to today?
- Vest :D & I got it, hehehe.
14. How is your hair?
- Fine atually.
15. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 7 hours?
- Nope. Not for the past seven months. *Smiles proudly*
16. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
- YES, it was like, hell on earth. Spinning hell.
17. Do you like your first name?
- Valerie? OH I LOVE IT :D
18. Do you like to cuddle?
- Yeah.
19. What are your initials?
20. Baseball or football?
- None, I'm scared of BALLS. LOLS.
21. Married?
22. What do you like most about your bf/gf?
- Dont have one. HAHA.
23. What pisses you off?
- People who go overboard in provoking me.
24. whats the last thing you did right now?
- Type.
25. Do you like the color grey?
- neutral.
26. Is there someone you really cant stop thinking about?
- YOU! Hahaha, awwww, so sweet right. (goodness)
27. Look outside, hows the weather outside?
- Starry.
28. Are you jealous of anyone right now?
- Hmm, maybe.
29. Did you ever think someone didn't like you, but find out they really did?
- YES. Hahaha.
30. Last time you ate grilled cheese?
- Very long ago.
31. Do you regret doing something today?
- I regret eating dinner.
32. When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?
- candy. HAHA!
33. Have you been happy recently?
- Yeap.
34. Do you like receiving balloons for your birthday?
- YES! Please bring me one big bunch of helium ballons :X
35. Math, English, Science, or Social Studies?
- ENGLISH, of course.
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