Okay, I just a tag that says I look like a kid.
Wth. Anyway. I stubbed my second toe on the DOOR.
Like BAMMMM. The skin come out & got blueblack.
TOE pls. Hurt like shootzx ):
Flipflops to school tomorrow, I don't think I can wear shoes.
Gaahhhhs. I'm lacking of sleep and I feel like throwing up.
(Can I even GET to school tmr?)
Gosh. Shocking news uh Sher ;D
Okay, I'm gonna go over to Jo's tmr & grab her ripples.
I'ma flipflop thief! Omg, I think it's affecting my brain.
Okay, for now, survey to cheer myself up for the loss of sanity.
(wtf, did I just type that?!)
35 secrets, be honest no matter what!
: who was your last text from?
- Jodenia Lambbbbbbbb.
: where was your default pic taken?
- In school, heh.
: your relationship status?
- Single ;D
: does your crush like you back?
- I-don't-know-who-my-crush-is. Haha! :D
: what is your current mood?
- PAINFUL, esp the toeeeee T-T
: whats your brothers name?
- Ohmyohmy, if I have a brother.
: whats your favorite color?
: have a crazy side?
- Teeheehee. I think NOW is my crazy side!
: ever had a near death experience?
- Yeah, :X
: something you do alot?
- Talk crap. Haha!
: angry at anyone?
- Nope! I'm NICEEEEE ;D
: do you wanna see anyone right now?
- See YOU! XD
: when is th last time you cried?
- Don't tell you, guess laa guess laa! :P
: who would you do anything for?
- Friends, family.
: what is one thing you notice of th opposite sex?
- Looks, attitude.
: wheres your ex and what is he/she doing?
- At home? LOL. How I know!
: do you still watch kiddy movies?
- Barney :P
: what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
- The WIND~
: how much money is in your wallet?
- I think is 8bucks? I'm broke, sadded.
: describe your life in one word:
- Fun-filled :D
: if you were a guy, would you have been circumcise?
- Whats that?
: what are you thinking about right now?
- I'm thinking about what I'm thinking right now.
: what should you be doing right now?
- Homework, ugh.
: what is your favorite memory?
- Favourite memory, too many :D
: who was th last person you told i love you to?
- I forgot ;X
: who was th last person who yelled at you?
- Err, heh. I dont know?
: do you act differently around th person you like?
- No.
: what is your natural hair color?
- Supeeeeeeer blackkkkkk.
: who was th last person who made you smile?
- Sher, sut uh she :D
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