No photos, sadly. Oh well. Went for ballet today, I realised I need to lose weight, as in seriously. Yay I shall start to diet & exercise more from today 'till I'm happy, haha. Enough about that. Anyway, I'm tired. I did 1400 skips today, and I swear I'm shagged. Shall turn in early, I have to like, wake up at 7am tomorrow? Die man. Haha! Will collapse soon, night humans!
Afternoon to all. I'll be going for ballet later, I'll be early to practice. Anyone wants to accompany me? :) Haha. I'm at Couzielove's now, she's bathing. We're leaving at around 4.15pm, she's going to Bugis to get her stuff while I'm going for class, though I'd probably be darn early. I think I'll take 187 to Westmall and then walk there, again. It's good excercise, you people should try it! :) Picutres? Maybe, later if there's any, so stay tuned! :)A picture paints a thousand words.